Ring’s first interview in Swedish press

For the first time since Swedish media became aware of Sebastian Ring goings to Grimsby Town has he spoken to the press.

Nerikes Allehanda got in touch with Sebastian after Grimsby’s last shift at West Ham’s training ground on Friday afternoon.

«I got a three years offer from Örebro that I choosed not to take. I would might had stayed on had I got a clearer directive. But I had been there in several years and made a decent impression… So I choosed to move on,» he told NA.

Sebastian Ring only started 18 of 30 games last season, but was involved in 25. The newspaper asked whether the reason he left was due to lack of playing time. «A bit like that. As I have said earlier I think this season was my best, also ÖSK have said so. But still was I the one easiest to take out of the team, I was never the given player choice.»

But why did it became Grimsby Town? They are not the most famous team…
«After the season I spoke a bit with several clubs. Then this became such interesting that the agent (Jonathan Chalkias) and me travelled over and visited the club. I had a great chat with Michael (Jolley), the manager, and I got a great impression by the whole club. How they looked at me and how I should fit in both as a player and a person. It felt right, and I was ready to try something new.»

«I want to test meself a bit as well. I don’t look at this as an end station, more like the start on something new. I want to develop as a footballer and as a human. I look on this both as an adventure and as a good step in my career.»

Which doors do you think will open up if you do well?
«First of all in England. Maybe also something else in Europe as well, but most as the start of an adventure in England. I guess the League One and Championship clubs have a good overview over clubs in League Two, you can build a name here.»

Now a big match awaits as Grimsby will play Crystal Palace in the 3.rd round of the FA cup. «A really cool match, the FA cup is the biggest thing here. But I’m not sure whether I will be allowed to start or sit on the bench. They will tell the starting eleven tomorrow, so I don’t know meself.»

Ring has trained three times with the team and three times at his own since travelling over. He celebrated New Years Eve in Grimsby together with his girlfriend Amanda. On Saturday will also his family from Sweden take the trip over.

«After the season in Allsvenskan I had some days of not doing much, later on I went on vacation. Since have I trained by meself, but then it’s hard to get in the right football stuff. But I’m in good shape, I just need to get more into it and get going.»

Grimsby plan to use him as a left back. «They want me to come up along the side, combine with the winger and make crosses with my left foot. It will be more as when I was wingback in ÖSK, I think I will get to use my offensive qualities in a good way.»

How do you look at League Two?
«I think the level is good. Many will probably think: «Division four, that is not good standard…» But the tempo is very good and it’s tough play. I have been surprised by the two games I have seen so far.»

Do you think it will suit you well?
«I think so. I believe they will use my strengths, and that I even will get to use my tough play, and even though I’m not that tall I’m good on my head.»

Skader gir ringvirkninger

Sebastian Ring ble fredag bekreftet spilleklar for Grimsby. Han vil få draktnummer 3 og er med på bussen til lørdagens cupkamp mot Crystal Palace. Skadesituasjonen er så prekær i Grimsby at svensken kan bli involvert i kampplanen allerede nå.

Sebbe har hatt minimalt med fotballøkter siden Allsvenskan endte i medio november. Manager Michael Jolley har tidligere ment at venstrebacken trenger en mini-preseason for å komme i form. «Vi må vurdere hvor fit han er,» fortalte trener Michael Jolley til BBC. «Han har nettopp kommet inn døra og har gått seks uker uten fotball. Så vi må bestemme oss om vi skal kaste han rett inn, eller bygge han gradvis opp for å få han i bedre form.»

Skadesituasjonen i Grimsby tilsier at Sebastian kan bli kastet inn til løvene allerede på lørdag når Premier League-klubben Crystal Palace venter i tredje runde av FA cupen.

Alle seniorstopperne er borte

Hos Grimsby er det mye hodebry for manager Michael Jolley, som skal sette i sammen en forsvarsfirer som kan demme opp mot stjerner som Wilfried Zaha og Andros Townsend.

Kapteinen Danny Collins på 38 år, med erfaring fra Premier League for Sunderland og Stoke, sliter med hamstringen. Hans faste makker Harry Davis var bevisstløs noen sekunder etter en kraftig smell mot Port Vale på Boxing Day og er pålagt to ukers karantene for hjernerystelse. Deres stand-in, Alex Whitmore, fikk tre kampers karantene for en voldsom takling mot Exeter og må stå over sesongens største kamp. Samtidig har det unge stoppertalentet Akin Famewo, som er på lån fra Luton, vært ute med lårskade siden november.

Dermed står klubben kun igjen med en stopper i 17-åringen Mattie Pollock, som er sønn av den tidligere Premier League-profilen Jamie Pollock, men han har kun har en halvtime med førstelagsfotball i bagasjen.

I Grimsbys forrige kamp, som var på tirsdag, startet dem med to backer som stoppere da Luke Hendrie og Reece Hall-Johnson tok seg av jobben. På høyrebacken måtte man dermed bruke midtbanespilleren Mitch Rose, som forøvrig er broren til Tottenham og Englands Danny Rose.
På venstrebacken sist startet man med den tidligere AFC Eskilstuna-spilleren Andrew Fox. Han måtte derimot bli byttet ut for nok en midtbanespiller i pausen grunnet brystbetennelse.

Massiv støtte i ryggen
Til lørdag vil østkystklubben bringe med seg utrolige 5 500 bortesupportere som drømmer om at Grimsby vil bli rundens «Giant Killer». Kampen sendes på TV i Danmark og Norge. Se den internasjonale TV-oversikten her!

Dette er hva grimsbynorge.com tror laget blir mot Crystal Palace
Grimsby (4-5-1): James McKeown – Luke Hendrie, Reece Hall-Johnson, Sebastian Ring, Andrew Fox – Harry Cardwell, Harry Clifton, Jake Hessenthaler, Elliot Embleton, Charles Vernam – Wes Thomas. Innbyttere: John Welsh, Mattie Pollock, Brandon Buckley, Ben Pringle, Mitch Rose, Jordan Cook, Sam Russell.