Medlem 0057 – Hans Olav Øverland

Vi tar hjertelig i mot medlem nummer 0057!
Hans Olav er 1965-modell og bor i Molde, tilholdsstedet til klubben som ga oss Knut Anders Fostervold.

Medlem 0057 – Hans Olav Øverland, siden 16. mars 2025
Om seg selv: Jeg heter Hans Olav Øverland og kommer fra Oslo, men bor i Molde.
En kompis av meg fulgte litt med Grimsby på 70 – 80 tallet. I Ca 2000 begynte vi å fiske hummer sammen. Når folk spurte hvor satt teinene siden vi fikk ganske mye hummer så svarte vi at det rett utenfor Grimsby. (Du spør aldri eller forteller hvor de beste plassene er). Dette ga en nysgjerrighet på byen. I 2004 ble det litt mer enn bare byen. Med all respekt, så var det egentlig en spøk som gjorde at jeg ble supporter.
I fjor fikk jeg drakt av bikkja men de var utsolgt, så han satt meg på venteliste. Jeg er sikker på at han (bikkja) ser verdien at jeg drar på kamp i steden. Hvis det er noen som skal over så blir jeg med. Alltid hyggelig å dra sammen med noen. (PS jeg er Vålerenga patriot)


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0001 – Jostein Jensen
0002 – Jon Kåre Bertheussen
0003 – Håvard Sørvik
0004 – Thomas Hollund
0005 – Geir Myklebust
0006 – Øyvind Jacobsen
0007 – Kim Kjetil Stavik
0008 – Lars Kåre Grimsby
0009 – Espen Jacobsen
0010 – Geir Steinsland
0011 – Anders Nielsen
0012 – Alex Kielland
0013 – Tarjei S. Grimstad
0014 – Rune Grimsby
0015 – Knut Anders Fostervold
0016 – Norm Grimsby
0017 – Ola Frisk
0018 – Anton Romanov
0019 – Karen Kamsvaag
0020 – Svein-Erik Valla
0021 –
0022 – Olav Werner Grimsby
0023 – Per Arne Grimsby
0024 – Tobias Lea
0025 – Eivind Grimsby Harr
0026 – Torgrim Skogheim
0027 – Svein Korshamn
0028 – Atle Grimsby
0029 – Per Øyvind Grimsby
0030 – Lars Gustav Kielland
0031 – Kjell Grimsby
0032 – Annlaug Grimsby
0033 – Camilla Grimsby
0034 – Svein Arild Grimsby
0035 – Geir Grimsby
0036 – Eirik Korshamn
0037 – Lars Olav Sæther
0038 – Ulf Hansson (Sverige)
0039 – Olav Grimstad
0040 – Perry Harter
0041 – Kasper Eriksen (Danmark)
0042 – Geir Denstad
0043 – Morten Havnes
0044 – Jard Berg
0045 – Jonathan Dahl Berg
0046 – Geir Personbråten
0047 – Thomas Personsbråten
0048 – Jon Grimsby
0049 – M. Necati Akgeyik
0050 – Håvard Bjørnevoll
0051 – John Krispinussen
0052 – Olaf Krispinussen
0053 – Vicente Kalrud
0054 – Bjørn Fjeldstad
0055 – Eirik Åkra
0056 – Marney Harris
0057 – Hans Olav Øverland

Les mer om medlemmene her!

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Kjøper du sesongkort på Mariners TV innen 26. juli så er det store penger å spare. Prisen er nå på £140, men vil øke til £180 fra 27. juli. Det tilsvarer omlag 560 kroner i prisøkning.

«Internasjonale Mariners kan live strømme alle* våre kamper i League Two og i Trophy når dem signerer for enten hele sesongen eller måned for måned,» skriver klubben her.

* Ikke Play Off-kamper, samt semi- og finale i Trophy.

I tillegg får man tilgang til radiokommentering av samtlige kamper fra BBC Radio Humberside, som er greit om du vil få med deg ligacup og FA Cup eller om du er på farten.

Med Mariners TV får du også eksklusive videoer som ikke lastes opp på klubbens youtubekanal.

Klubben tilbyr også månedspass for £25 som fornyes automatisk.

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I fjor solgte klubben nesten 1000 sesongkort på Mariners TV, samt over 11 000 Match Pass.

With the Cod War as backdrop

We have already noticed a lot of interest from Iceland after our latest signing Jason Dadi Svanthorsson, where many Icelanders actually have been to Grimsby for work earlier, some prefered the pubs before the football, but still!
I have therefor bumbed up this story from the archive about The Mariners trip to Iceland for their preseason in 1986. Perhaps an idea for next summer?

Grimsby at Iceland: Neil Matthews (back to the left), Andy Moore (partly hidden), Dave Burgess (in frontseat), Gary Henshaw (sitting on the edge), Dave Felgate (at the back) and Gordon Hobson (with camera).

The 1986/87 season became a dark chapter in the history of Grimsby Town. Economical problems and a very bad spring season led to relegation to level three for Mike Lyons’ boys.

The Fishermen’s preseason were however of the exciting kind with a week on Iceland in August 1986.

The Mariners have through time been on abroad trips to Sweden, Denmark and Czechoslovakia, but the trip upon the Polar Circle must be said to be one of a kind!

The tour was a part in making reconciliation between Great Brittain and Iceland after the Cod War.

The man behind it all was Icelandic consul in Grimsby Jon Olgeirsson (pictured), that stood for the invitation on behalf for the little 3. division club Trotur (Þróttur Neskaupstað). A delegation of 28 persons included Grimsby Town, a journalist from Grimsby Evening Telegraph and parlament member Michael Brown was travelling up north.

Three matches were played and the visit got a lot of publicity in the local newspapers. It’s from here we have found the details to this story. August 1986
Akranes – Grimsby 2-5

Goals: 1-0 Peter Petursson 5′, 2-0 Valgeir Barðason 20′, 2-1 Bob Cumming 30′, 2-2 Gordon Hobson/Gary Henshaw 55′, 2-3 Gordon Hobson 57′, 2-4 Ian Walsh/Andy Peake 59′, 2-5 Mike Lyons 66′
(Newspaper reports had different goal scores on Grimsby’s second and fourth goal.)


The first game was against Cup Champions Íþróttabandalag Akraness, that the month later played in the European Cup against Sporting Lisbon at Akranesvöllur. One of Iceland’s biggest legends Pétur Pétursson made his comeback for IA in this game and scored already after five minutes. The striker had earlier been playing in Feyenoord, Anderlecht and Antwerpen.

Mike Lyons and Kevin Moore August 1986
Trotur – Grimsby 0-6

Goals: 0-1 Neil Horwood 10′, 0-2 Ian Walsh 55′, 0-3 Neil Horwood 60′, 0-4 Ian Walsh 70′, 0-5 Neil Robinson 80′, 0-6 Ian Walsh 85′.

Neil Horwood reaching tallest at the gravel pitch.

This must have been the first and last time Grimsby played a game on a gravel pitch! Incredible 600 spectators came to see the game between Grimsby and the 3. division team Trotur. An attendance record in the village with 1700 persons. When the players entered the gravel pitch they held themselves to their head and shouted «Jesus Chris» was reported in the paper.

After the game manager Mike Lyons was interviewed. «The tour to Iceland has been an adventure. The players can hardly describe the beautiful nature here, espescially what we saw on the sightseeing at the shore with Odin.» August 1986
IBV – Grimsby 1-2

Goals: 0-1 Ian Walsh 45′. 0-2 Gary Henshaw 75′, 1-2 Berg Ágústsson 89′

The saga of a tour came to an end against big club IBV. After the game were youngster Gisli Hjartarson invited to train with Grimsby as he anyhow should move to Grimsby.

Download the Match Program here

Pictures of the program can be found at my twitter here!

More pictures from the trip

The players got a three hour long sightseeing at the wild east coast of Iceland at the ship named Odinn.

Political backdrop was behind the visit.

A beginners guide for our new Icelandic supporters

We’ve already been in touch with proud people from Iceland and Mosfellsbær in particular, that are thrilled that their own «Jassi» has signed for Grimsby Town.

So here is the beginners guide about Grimsby.

First of all is it possible to watch most of our official matches on Mariners TV. You can buy our kit from the club shop online here!

If you plan to travel to Grimsby (and not in a fishing vessel) we got an airport nearby. Humberside Airport got a good connection to Europe with direct connection from Amsterdam with KLM.

If you want to travel low cost. Many will make their trip to Manchester and then a 3,5 hours train connection with a change.

History in short
Grimsby Town’s nickname is The Mariners. They were formed in 1878 as Grimsby Pelham in Wellington Arms, Freeman Street.

In 1898 we moved to our current stadium Blundell Park. The old Main Stand is actually from 1901 and is the oldest stand in the football league!

Our heights were in the 1930’s with a 5. th place in the top flight and two semi finals in the FA Cup as our highlights. At this time we also had some internationals with Pat Glover, Jackie Bestall and Harry Betmead.

After the war we started to struggle a bit, but were still innovative with a certain Bill Shankly as manager before he was followed by the first foreign manager in England in Hungarian Elemer Berkessy.

But with decline in the fishing industry it should become a bumpy ride before we got success under Alan Buckley in the late 80’s. In his stint we established our self as a good Championship side with some nice passing football. We flirted with the Play Offs several seasons and had some great players with the likes of Clive Mendonca, John McDermott and Paul Groves.

However with Grimsby still being Grimsby we are the most frequent yo-yo club in England having switched divions 32 times! However always dramatic, just as when manager Brian Laws threw a plate with chicken legs into the face of our Italian star player Ivano Bonetti that broke his cheek bone!

After our relegation in 1997 we sold two of our best players, but with Alan Buckley back in the club we built a new team and in the spring of 1998 we played two times at Wembley winning both the Auto Windscreen Shield as well as the Play Off final.

So more years in the Championship followed. With a new TV deal with ITV Digital a lot of money came into the game and we started to spend them getting in foreign players like Chinese international Zhang Enhua and the Danish Messiah David Nielsen. However ITV Digital went bust and the money income dissapered.

In came a new chairman in John Fenty that had become rich after selling his fish industry. He ran the club at low cost in two decades with the price of our football team getting worse and worse. So bad that we lost our league status from 2010 until 2016 and in 2021/22. A certain Paul Hurst brought us up twice, this season will be our third back in League Two.

Our Chairman John Fenty became «a bit» unpopular with his thight budget and ways of doing things. The fans demanded a change and with our current owners we have started to upgrade the club after years with decay.

The highlights in recent years was getting to the quarter final of the FA Cup in 2023 after beating both Luton and Southampton.

Last season was a struggle and we changed our manager from Paul Hurst to David Artell. Artell had success at Crewe with his playing style, but he inherited a team that was built for another style. After a romantic start playing some beautiful football it was clear that we struggled doing so. It became more pragmatic to safe ourselves from another relegation.

We are currenly into David Artell’s second transfer window and he has changed most of the players and the hope now is that we able to play the style of football Artell is know for.

Grimsby was Europes biggest fishing town back in the days, but with the cod war the town went into a big depression with the most talented youth travelling away for jobs. However there are some positivism with the offshore wind industry from recent years however the Town still struggle after little help from the politicans in London.

I spent a week in Grimsby a year ago and wrote a piece in Norwegian about the trip here!

Arnesen tok det hjem

I vår liga på Premier League Fantasy hadde vi i år hele åtte deltakere! Her tronet til slutt Bjørn-Erik Arnesen. Vi gratulerer!

Til kommende sesong blir det også Fantasy EFL, så om det innbefatter League Two med Grimsby får vi opprette en liga der også.

1. Bjørn-Erik Arnesen SuperMacNorway 2328p
2. Alex Kielland Mester 2199p
3. Sindre Li Sindrela FC 2175p
4. Tobias Ursin-Holm Lea Heung-Min Dotter 2139p
5. Jostein Jensen ->grimsby 2134p
6. Tarjei Solum Grimstad FK Eik Grimsby 2084p
7. Hans Magnus Holten Jessenløkken FK 1966p
8. Nicolay Kristiansen AFC UDogiestyle cdf 1916p

Da Grimsby møtte Brøndby

Lørdag 21. februar 1987 var det en spesiell kamp på Blundell Park da Brøndby kom på besøk til en treningskamp.

Et tilskuertall på 1625 tilskuere fikk se et dansk lag som blant annet hadde Peter Schmeichel, Kent Nielsen, John Jensen, Kim Vilfort og Brian Laudrup, som fem år senere ble europamestre for Danmark.

Grimsby har møtt danske lag en rekke ganger.  I 2001 spilte man 1-1 mot Køge på Ishøj stadion etter at Alan Pouton netta for oss. Køge var jo klubben til klubbens første danske – Edvin Hansen – som fikk seks kamper i 1946/47-sesongen.

I sommerturneen i Skandinavia året etter møtte man AB København på sydspissen av Sverige på Møllevallen. Her tapte man 4-0. Senere spilte man kamp mot Herfølge. Laget ble trent av John «Faxe» Jensen som jo spilte i Brøndby-kampen. 2-1 tap her etter at Johnny Rowan satte inn en retur etter straffe.

Oppholdet ble avsluttet med 3-1 tap for Frem etter at Terry Cooke ga oss ledelsen. Den tidligere Manchester United-spilleren Cooke som var oppført som «Cock» i kampprogrammet.

Av andre bisarre treningskamper på Blundell Park kan vi nevne at Grimsby i 1971 slo landslaget til Japan 7-2.

Grimsby – Brøndby 1-2
Blundell Park, 1625 tilskuere

Mål: 0-1 Henrik Jensen (str) 10′, 0-2 Claus Nielsen 22′, 1-2 Dean Crombie 47′

Grimsby: Nigel Batch, Gary Henshaw, Paul Agnew, Phil Turner, Andy Moore, Dean Crombie, Neil Robinson, Peter Green, Neil Matthews, Donal O’Riordan, Peter Rawcliffe. Innbyttere: Dave Moore, John McDermott, Paul Burns, Lee Pratt.

Brøndby: Peter Schmeichel, Ole Østergaard, Kent Nielsen, Henrik Hansen, Ole Madsen, Bjarne Jensen, John Jensen, Henrik Jensen, Per Steffensen, Kim Vilfort, Claus Nielsen (Brian Laudrup 70′)